join us today

what is
guerrilla academy?

Guerrilla Academy provides real time, online classroom or a personal in-house trainings for individuals and closed company groups. Join us and learn new skills in user and costumer experience, Agile/Scrum and development, problem solving and decision making. You can choose from our two days fast track training or join to an 8 weeks practical based learning curve and work in a real collaborative agile/scrum environment and get practice on real projects with real people.

Read more below about our online classroom & in-house trainings. Don’t wait, join UX Academy today!

choose and book your course today

guerrilla trainings to everyone

choose and book your course today

guerrilla trainings
to everyone


These courses are designed for individuals who are interested to learn new skills.
The price is per person.

These courses are designed for individuals who are interested to learn new skills.
The price is per person.

foundation of ux

£ 495
  • Online classroom
  • 16 hours / 2 days
  • Guerrilla certification

agile & scrum

£ 495
  • Online classroom
  • 16 hours / 2 days
  • Guerrilla certification

problem solving

£ 495
  • Online classroom
  • 16 hours / 2 days
  • Guerrilla certification

Newsletter from us

Need a bespoke
company training?

Need a bespoke
company training?


Need a bespoke
company training?



Need a bespoke
company training?




real life projetcs

8 weeks practice

UX & research

Learn UX principles and best practices, design thinking and research techniques, prototyping and testing in Agile/Scrum environment, on real projects.


UX & Research

Learn UX principles and best practices, design thinking and research techniques, prototyping and testing in Agile/Scrum environment, on real projects..


Agile development

Practical based experience for developers in collaborative Agile/Scrum environment, on real projects. Get high level knowledge in the latest development technologies.

Agile Development

Practical based experience for developers in collaborative Agile/Scrum environment, on real projects. Get high level knowledge in the latest development technologies.




what our students say

“We had a very interesting and helpful training. We’ve been trained for problem solving and decision making methods, identifying issues, SWOT and root cause analysis, decision tree technique and much more. Thanks to UX Guerrilla, we really enjoyed!”


UX Researcher