1. Introduction
These Terms of Use (“T&C’s”) were last updated on 01 October, 2020.
Please read all these terms and conditions. As we can accept your order and make a legally enforceable agreement without further reference to you, you must read these terms and conditions to make sure that they contain all that you want and nothing that you are not happy with. If you are not sure about anything, just phone us on 0330 001 0931 .
- These Terms and Conditions will apply to the purchase of the services by you (the Customer or you). We are UX Guerrilla Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 12908813 whose registered office is at Jenny Lane , Southmead , Bristol , BS10 6WH , United Kingdom with email address info@uxguerrilla.co.uk ; telephone number 0330 001 0931 ; (the Supplier or us or we).
- These are the terms on which we sell all Digital Services and Trainings to you (Services). By ordering any of the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. You can only purchase the Services from the Website if you are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.
- Consumer means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside his or her trade, business, craft or profession;
- Contract means the legally-binding agreement between you and us.
- Communication means paper or email, or any other medium that allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient, enables the recipient to store the information in a way accessible for future reference for a period that is long enough for the purposes of the information, and allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;
- Order means the Customer’s order for the Services from the Supplier as submitted following the step by step process set out on the Website;
- Privacy Policy means the terms which set out how we will deal with confidential and personal information received from you via the Website;
- Services means the services advertised on the Website, including any digital services and/or training courses;
- Website means our website www.uxguerrilla.co.uk on which the Services are advertised.
4. SErvices
- The description of the Services is as set out in the Website, landing pages, marketing campaigns, email campaigns, social media campaigns, brochures or other form of advertisement. Any description is for illustrative purposes only.
- In the case of Services, it is your responsibility to ensure that any information or specification you provide is accurate.
- All Services which appear on the Website are subject to availability.
- We can make changes to the Services which are necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement. We will notify you of these changes.
- You must co-operate with us in all matters relating to the Services, provide us and our authorised employees and representatives, provide us with all information required to perform the Services and obtain any necessary licences and consents (unless otherwise agreed).
- Failure to comply with the above is a Customer default which entitles us to suspend performance of the Services until you remedy it or if you fail to remedy it following our request, we can terminate the Contract with immediate effect on written notice to you.
6. Personal information
- We retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy.
- We may contact you by using e-mail or other electronic communication methods and by pre-paid post and you expressly agree to this.
- The description of the Services in our website does not constitute a contractual offer to sell the Services. When an Order/Booking has been submitted on the Website, we can reject it for any reason, although we will try to tell you the reason without delay.
- The Order/Booking process is set out on the Website. Each step allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting the Order. It is your responsibility to check that you have used the ordering process correctly.
- A Contract will be formed for the Services ordered only when you receive an email from us confirming the Order/Booking (Order/Booking Confirmation). You must ensure that the Order Confirmation is complete and accurate and inform us immediately of any errors. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the Order/Booking placed by you. By placing an Order/Booking you agree to us giving you confirmation of the Contract by means of an email with all information in it (ie the Order/Booking Confirmation). You will receive the Order Confirmation within a reasonable time after making Order/Booking, before performance begins of any of the Services.
- Any quotation or estimate of Fees (as defined below) is valid for a maximum period of 30 days from its date, unless we expressly withdraw it at an earlier time.
- No variation of the Contract, whether about description of the Services, Fees or otherwise, can be made after it has been entered into unless the variation is agreed by the Customer and the Supplier in writing.
- We intend that these Terms and Conditions apply only to a Contract entered into by you as a Consumer. If this is not the case, you must tell us, so that we can provide you with a different contract with terms which are more appropriate for you and which might, in some respects, be better for you, eg by giving you rights as a business.
- The fees (Fees) for the Services, the price of any additional or other charges (if not included in the Fees) that set out on the Website at the date we accept the Order or such other price as we may agree in writing.
- You must pay by Paypal or credit or debit card or bank transfer. We do not take cash or any other form of payments.
To book a course first you have to select your preferred course on UX Guerrilla’s website then you have to fill the booking form (by clicking on the “book now”, “sign up for waiting list” or “contact us” buttons). At this stage you won’t be charged at all, it’s just the registration process where you have to provide your personal and the course details. Then we will get back to you within 24 hours and send you the online invoice.
You can pay through your Paypal account or Credit/Debit Card, alternatively you can pay by bank transfer. Once you agree to pay the fees for your course and with the payment you accepted our T&Cs. Once the payment has been completed, we will activate your registration and send you all necessary course details by email.
If you have any urgent question about your course or the payment, please do not hesitate to contact us on
- Email: sales@uxguerrilla.co.uk or info@uxguerrilla.co.uk
- Phone: 033 0001 0931 (no charge within the UK)
2 days course’s refunds
We only do a full refund if your cancellation has been sent by email 48hrs before the course starts. Within 48hrs we are only willing to pay back only the 50% of the purchase price.
8 weeks course’s refunds
48hrs after your payment you can not request a full refund. You only will receive 50% of the purchased course’s price. There are a few reasons why we have to apply this rule. Firstly this long course only can be started if there are a minimum number of participants it usually depends on the size of projects. If one or two participants cancel the course we may lose all the money that was already paid by students as we must cancel the training and then it makes us a huge loss and destroys our good reputation too.
In-house course’s refunds
For the booked bespoke In-House training we also get to be prepared such as we must do research about the company’s profile, business model and etc. which already request time and money from us in advance even before the course would be started. So that’s the reason why we must apply different rules for money back. For reasons above we can not do full refund if the client wanna cancel the course after it has been paid. We do only refund that which was left after we made deductions with our costs. Costs and expenses can depend on the venue, the accommodation and etc.
We need rules to keep our platform and services safe for you, us and our student and instructor community. These Terms and Cons apply to all your activities on the UX Guerrilla’s website.
UX Guerrilla’s mission is to provide digital or non-digital services to help companies improve or maintain their success through solution design, digital transformation, analysis, tests, user research and case studies. When a client wants to hire us, then based on individual circumstances and requests after a formal consultation
UX Guerrilla lays down the details in a written agreement which has to be followed by both parties.
UX Guerrilla also provides educational services under the UX Academy name. UX Academy mission is to improve lives through learning and share our theoretical and practical knowledge with other professionals, experts or even with new beginners who want to learn real life skills in the digital and non-digital world. We enable anyone from anywhere to enroll in these educational courses to learn (students, company groups or individual participants). We consider our learning model is the best way to offer valuable and affordable educational content to our users, students.
12. UX Guerrilla services
UX Guerrilla helps to uncover the real source of problems, simplify business processes and thinking, find the root cause to the problems and finally bring the customer and user to the center. We believe real problem solving is when the business recognises and responds quickly to the user frustrations. That’s the key to the success business.
All our digital services are bespoke, tailor made for each and every customer requirements. Based on this, our digital services are available on pre-agreed and signed contracts and unique contract fees.
UX Guerrilla helps you to understand users’ voices and expectations, we make the product/solution more usable to anyone as our Usability & Accessibility tests will show the usability issues and what further improvement is required.To explore user’s behaviour and help with higher conversions we do CX/Conversion Analysis. Sometimes you only to simplify or rethink an existing solution or process rather than to design or build a new system. In this case we provide help in Solution Optimisation.
If a company needs a better business process, production, social media and communication management or a more effective training structure, UX Guerrilla can help to do a Business Experience analysis and suggest a feasible and achievable plan. UX Guerrilla experts are able to help build new solutions from scratch and provide a very thorough UX Design & Research to make the proper business decisions. Let UX Guerrilla do a Digital Transformation plan for your business to move on to a digitised future and give better and higher quality of user experience to customers in a more efficient way.
We teach and share our knowledge with individuals or company groups in real time, face to face online classroom or during an in-house training.
Students and instructors must be at least 18 years of age to use UX Guerrilla’s services. If you are younger than 18 but above the required age for consent to use online services where you live (for example, 13 in the US or 16 in Ireland), you can’t not enroll and pay to our course, unless you invite a parent or guardian to help you enroll in a course and pay it that is appropriate for you. Make sure you understand this rule as it’s your responsibility , UX Guerrilla doesn’t take any responsibility.
You should not share your access details and online zoom link with anyone else. You are responsible for what happens with your access details and UX Academy will not intervene in disputes between students or instructors who have shared zoom and personal login details. You must notify us immediately upon learning that someone else may be using course’s access details without your permission (or if you suspect any other breach of security) by contacting our Customer Service. We may request some information from you to confirm that you are indeed who booked and paid for the course.
When you enroll in a course, you get a license from us to view it via the UX Academy or other platforms and to receive the course materials via emails but not for other use. Don’t try to transfer, resell, share the course materials or the recorded videos by any ways as these are only licenced for you otherwise then you are breaching the copyrights. Please note: “Copyright infringement can lead to substantial penalties. Upon conviction in the magistrates’ court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for copyright infringement is 6 months and/or a fine of up to £50,000.”
When you make a payment, you agree to use a valid payment method and with the payment you accept the rules of our T&Cs.
We regularly run promotions and sales for our courses and certain courses are only available at discounted prices for a set period of time. The price applicable to a course will be the price at the time you complete your purchase of the course (at checkout). Any price offered for a particular course may also be different when companies or groups will make bookings for large size groups then we might provide them a further discount.
If you are an instructor and want to work for UX Guerrilla, you need to accept UX Guerrilla’s T&C’s and our instructor has to be aware about our Privacy Policy as we may have to provide details regarding our processing of personal data of our students and instructors. Instructors may not grant licenses to their courses to students directly, and any such direct license shall be null and void and a violation of these T&C’s.
If you are an instructor, you will communicate in writing or verbal with the students who have enrolled in the course via UX Guerrilla’s business email and during the live online classroom. In both cases, you must abide by the law and respect the rights of others: you cannot post any course, question, answer, review or other content that violates applicable local or national laws or regulations of your country. You are solely responsible for any courses, content, and actions you post or take via the platform and their consequences. Make sure you understand all the copyright and behaviour restrictions at UX Academy.
14. Gifts and Promotions
UX Academy accepts that customers purchase a specified course as a gift for someone else or a company buys their employees a specified course as a bonus. In both cases the buyer has to let us know that person’s details as well who will attend in our course. That person who didn’t attend the course which was purchased for him/her is their responsibility and we do not pay back money.
15. Behavior Rules
UX Guerrilla have zero tolerance to antisocial behaviour from both sides as students or instructors. If we are put on notice that your course or content violates the law or the rights of others (for example, if it is established that it violates intellectual property or image rights of others, or is about an illegal activity), or if we discover that your content or behavior violates others or if we believe your behavior is unlawful, inappropriate, or objectionable, UX Guerrilla will immediately investigate and will suspend that person who breaks the laws.
16. Technical issues
Students have to make sure their internet access is appropriate. For the unsufficient internet connection UX Guerrilla doesn’t take responsibility. If during the live online course a student has technical issues then UX Guerrilla do not pay back money. Students might have an option to swap the course for another date after UX Academy gave authorisation to do that.
17. How to Contact Us
We’d love to hear your questions, concerns, and feedback about our services.
The best way to get in touch is to contact us via our contact form on our Contact page or info@uxguerrilla.co.uk or by phone: 0330 001 0931.